Chronic Pain - Doctor Resources

Health Choices First - Pain Management

Highlights: Health Choices First is a website provides a wealth of high quality patient education with exclusive health videos on different topics, which provide an overview of conditions and treatment options. Furthermore, it also provides a real-life case studies forum for doctors and patients to join in.


TAPMI - Resources for Primary Care Opioid Prescribing and Tapering

Highlights: These resources are provided from TAPMI (hosted by Women's College Hospital). Please scroll down to the bottom for the resource list. 


Ontario Pain Management Resources - A Partnership to Help Clinicians Support their Patients

Highlights: A coordinated program of available pain management supports provided by Health Quality Ontario and organizations across the province to help family doctors, nurse practitioners and other primary care clinicians to manage their cases relating to pain, including the appropriate use of opioids.


META: PHI (RAAM Clinic) - Mentoring, Education and Clinical Tools for Addiction: Primary Care-Hospital Integration

Highlights: META: PHI is a project to support clinicians in delivering high-quality care to patients with substance use disorders in all care settings. It provides care model, clinical addiction tools for health care providers, and resources for patients, information and locations of RAAM Clinics (rapid access addiction medicine clinics) across the province. NO Referral or appointment neededand sees all kinds of addictions. Please find out more on clinic model and locations.


MyPractice: Primary Care

Highlights: Family physicians, executive directors of family health teams and community health centres can learn about their care patterns, in relation to your peers, data about their opioid prescribing patterns, as well as suggestions to support them in improving patient care by signing up for a confidential report.


Centre for Pediatric Pain Research

Highlights: The Centre for Pediatric Pain Research is an international leader in children's pain research. It provides health care providers, families and caregivers the information on current research activities at the centre, as well as links to useful resources on pain assessment and management in children.


Ontario Physiotherapy Association - Find A Physiotherapist

Highlights: Enter location and choose distance to search within Ontario. You can narrow it down by area, health concern, language, accesibility and payment, etc.


National Guidelines - Fibromyalgia

Hightlights: The National Guidelines - Fibromyalgia provides guidelines for the diagnosis and management of fibromyalgia syndrome in adult.


Canadian Guideline for Opioid for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain

Highlights: This provides the access to The 2017 Canadian Guideline for Opioid for Chronic Non-Cancer Pain, as well as some tools on Opioid Tapering (for patient), Opioid Manager and Opioid Manager Switching Opioids Form (for providers).

                                                                                        More on Chronic Pain - Patient