Physician information on this website is collected through work experience and online research. They may not be the most updated, please confirm it with the medical provider. You can contact us to update any misinformation.
Dr. Zainab Abdurrahman
Clinical Immunology and Allergy
Dr. Abdurrahman is a pediatric & adult allergist and pediatric immunologist.
Hamilton , Mississauga , Scarborough , Toronto ,
Suite 204 - 101 Queensway West, Mississauga ON L5B 2P7
Referral with relevant results, imaging and CPP.
Albany Clinic, 807 Broadview Avenue, Toronto, Tel: 416-461-9471 Fax: 416-461-2710 / Unit 111, 2680 Lawrence Avenue East, Scarborough, Tel: 416-755-2241 Fax: 416-755-8413 / Department of Pediatrics, HSC Room 3A, McMaster University, 1280 Main Street, Hamilton, Tel: 905-521-2100 x 77577 Fax: 905-308-7548
McMaster & Children's Hospital, St Joseph's Healthcare System - Hamilton Site